Sirius Shipping installs CompactClean OptIMO BWMS on 9 vessels
In April 2020, Sirius Shipping from Donsö initiated a big retrofit installation project for Ballast Water Management Systems on board its vessels. At Donsö Shipping Meet 2022, Anders Bejre, Newbuilding- and Technical Manager at Sirius Shipping held a presentation about his experience of working with DESMI on the project and was later interviewed by Rasmus Folsø, CEO at DESMI Ocean Guard A/S.
00:00 Sirius Shipping Experience of working with DESMI
00:47 Why did Sirius Shipping chose DESMI's CompactClean system?
01:39 The importance of skilled service engineers
02:55 Why did Sirius Shipping chose the DESMI OptIMO BWMS?