February 2025
November 2012
This is the first UV-type BWTS which has been IMO-tested on land in fresh water!
(click here to see the certificate)
It is a great pleasure to announce that on November 7th DESMI Ocean Guard A/S received type approval of the OxyClean Ballast Water Treatment System (BWTS). This means that the system is fully certified according to the requirements and guidelines adopted by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) in the Ballast Water Management Convention.
With the type approval certificate in hand we can now offer the Industry a fully compatible BWTS which is setting new standards for effective treatment under very challenging conditions. During the more than three years of development and testing we have gained ground-breaking understanding of the water treatment challenges a system may encounter under real operating conditions. In particular these challenges have turned out to be related to the treatment of fresh water and water with very low UV-transmission , and with the type approval certificate in hand we can today document industry leading performance in both respects. Extensive testing has proven that the system is IMO compliant irrespective of the salinity of the treated water, and down to UV-transmission values as low as approx. 0.35.
“The excellent performance we have been able to demonstrate has already spurred a lot of interest from potential customers, and with the issuance of the type approval certificate we expect this to increase in the coming months. The majority of the shipowners are today painfully aware that type approved BWTS’ do not have equal performance, and that a number of already approved systems have proven unable to comply with the IMO requirements in ports where the water conditions are challenging. This may result in fines, detained ships and ultimately it can force a shipowner to replace already purchased and installed systems, if time after time they turn out to be non-compliant. Such a replacement is extremely costly”, says Rasmus Folsø, CEO of DESMI Ocean Guard.
Performance is not the only important parameter when evaluating BWTS’. Cost, power consumption, footprint, no handling of chemicals and world-wide after sales support functions are all important aspects for most shipowners when having to chose a BWTS. Our OxyClean system is competitive on cost, has very low power consumption relative to performance, small and flexible footprint due to the modularity of the system, no use of added chemicals and finally we have an already established global network of after sales support centres available for our customers through the global network of the DESMI organisation.
DESMI Ocean Guard A/S was established by A.P. Moller-Maersk A/S, DESMI A/S and Skjølstrup & Grønborg ApS in 2009. The company is located in Aalborg, Denmark, and its main activity is development of systems for removal of living organisms from ballast water discharged by ships. Such systems are required to be installed on the world fleet according to the IMO (International Maritime Organization) Ballast Water Management Convention. It is anticipated that between 50,000-70,000 vessels need to install ballast water treatment systems in the period up to 2019, so the market potential is extensive.
1) UV-Transmission is the UV light’s ability to penetrate into the water. A value of e.g. 0.6 means that after penetrating 1 cm into the water only 60% of the UV light remains (40% has been absorbed).
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