CompactClean for Semi-Submersible Platforms
DESMI has experienced that at least some of the semi-submersible platforms require Ballast Water Management Systems onboard. Due to the extreme compact design of CompactClean the DESMI BWMS will be an obvious choice for semi-submersible platforms.
When having offshore drilling in water depths exceeding some 500 meters the so-called Semi-Submersible Platforms are used. Often the platforms have two pontoons with a ballast water system giving the following two modes: • When in drilling operations the platform is partially submerged making it a very stable floating structure even in very harsh weather conditions. • When in transport mode the pontoons are located at the water surface and the platform can be transported either by specialized surface vessels or even by own propulsion system

- The smallest footprint in industry
- Only system in the world with integrated stripping solution
- UV unit in seawater resistant Nickel-Alu-Bronze
- Automatic flow control and lamp dimming
- Worldwide service network
- Fully automated operation
- 2 hours’ holding time on USCG TA Certificate
- IMO type approval according to the new BWMS code from IMO
- Graphic HMI touchscreen interface
- Automatic generation of PDF reports to authorities
- Short delivery time
- Easy maintenance
- No salinity or temperature limitations
- Down to UV Transmission of just 40% - Also in US Territory!
- 100% chemical free treatment