How Ballast Water Management is Made Easy

CompactClean is the first ballast water management systems on the market that combines very low space with large flow rates. The operation of the system is based purely on mechanical treatment and therefore it does not involve any use of chemicals or active substances. This eliminates risks of hazards to crew, vessel or the environment.


Vessels with a trading pattern, which often leads into USCG regulated waters can greatly benefit from the simplicity of the single mode operated CompactClean system. The operator will avoid any head aches in regards to operation as the ballast water is always treated according to the strict USCG rule set. CompactClean is the Safe Choice.


For vessels trading primarily in IMO regulated waters please see the CompactClean OptIMO line of systems. They have been optimized for operation in IMO waters, meaning you will be able to save cost on both CAPEX and OPEX.


For more information on the CompactClean Ballast Water Management System - click here



Let’s take a true story from the field:


Two General Cargo ships of the same model

  • The MV Two and
  • The MV One.


They are unloading cargo in a harbor in Canada. After unloading, a new cargo must be loaded in nearby port
– also in Canada.


On board the MV Two, Chief Officer Tony has a ballast water management system that has two operation modes: Worldwide (IMO) and US Only (USCG).


On MW One, Chief Officer Owen has a fully compliant CompactClean-system with just one operation mode approved for global use.


As both ships are unloading the cargo in the Canadian harbor they are also taking in ballast water. With two different modes on his ballast water system, Tony on MV Two must be aware of his uptake and discharge locations. As he expects that next port to be outside US territory, he sets his Ballast Water Management System in IMO-mode. On MW One, Owen doesn’t have to worry about uptake and discharge locations, as the CompactClean system has just one global operation mode. 


After finalized cargo and ballast operations the ships leave for the next port in Canada. But as it often happens Tony and Owen are contacted by their ship operators a few hours after departure. They must pick up new cargo in the United States bound for Rotterdam. 


This is bad news for Tony, as he has selected IMO mode on MV Twos ballast system back in the Canadian harbor. This is not approved for discharge in US territories. Tony contact the port state authorities in the US loading port.


They order MW Two to perform a ballast water exchange before entering the US harbor. This must be done at least 200 nautical miles from the nearest land and in at least 200 meters depth. Therefore, MW Two continues its voyage into the Atlantic Ocean to start the ballast water exchange. 


Meanwhile, the MW One enters US territories and arrives at the US port on time, load new cargo, discharge ballast water and set course for Rotterdam.


At the same time MV Two starts the ballast water exchange on open sea. This is expected to take 20 hours. But as the new uptake water is muddy and very difficult to treat the flowrate is reduced to 50%. Ooops! This increases the operation
to 30 hours. And as the system is in US mode, the minimum required holding time changes from 8 hours to 48 hours due to the low UV-Intensity readings.


78 hours later MV Two is ready to enter the US harbor. Meanwhile, MV One is well on route over the Atlantic bound for Rotterdam.


Contact DESMI today for further information on CompactClean
– The Safe Choice!

The Most Compact Ballast Water Management System on the Market!

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